Classes, workshops & jams

Connected to yourself

Connection to yourself is vital for great dances: grounding, relaxing, breathing, awareness of the state of your body and focus, stability in standing

Connected to others

Sensing weight and direction, connect physically and/or mentally with the center of your partner(s), being ready for anything that can happen

Lazy & Acrobatic

Dancing through laziness, effortlessly, slow and fast, rolling on the ground to lifting in the air

What is Contact Improvisation?

Contact improvisation is a practice of movement research, where
improvisation and momentum, relation with gravity and with others
are the main focus.

This form has been developing internationally since 1972 and it started from the exploration, research and inquiries of Steve Paxton. It involves the exploration of one’s body in relation to others and the space of presence they visit, by using the fundamentals of sharing weight, touch, and movement awareness. It has evolved into a broad global community around “jams” characterized by their welcoming attitude towards newcomers to dance, as well as seasoned practitioners, and its fundaments relate with dancing without being guided by music, instead, the dancers learn to listen to the sounds that the dance itself brings.

Read more on Wikipedia

Contact impro by Otto

I’ve been dancing since 2004, exploring all kinds of styles and movement practices including contemporary dance, movement improvisation, Gaga dance, partner acrobatics and more.

Somewhere around 2007/2008 I dipped my toes in the practice of contact improvisation for the first time. I found it quite shocking the first time – I was only used to technical classes with precise steps to remember – so it took me three months before I dared to step into it again. After that second time I was sold, and went as often as I could to classes, jams & festivals in the Netherlands & Germany.

As a teacher I like to hand practical tools to my students, techniques and pathways to use in contact improvisation. I combine this with focussing on relaxation, breathing and a bit of introspection to keep in contact with the self, as it is easy to lose yourself in the dance or the other.

Check the classes & jams by Otto

The Northern Jam, by Andrea & Barbara

Andrea Sangiacomo a philosopher, meditator and mover. He has a background in Ashtanga Yoga (200h teacher training with Gregor Maehle and Monica Gauci), conscious and ecstatic dance (facilitator training with Brian Bergman and DanceTheMedicine), “Contact Beyond Contact” (facilitator level 2). He studies Contact Improvisation in the Netherlands and abroad and is currently doing a one-year CI teacher training in Freiburg.

Barbara van Male a dancer, movement researcher and editor. She practices CI since 10 years and has a background in contemporary dance and performance projects in public space, capoeira, tango, meditation (and ballet and judo in her childhood). She joined several intensives and trainings in CI, Axis syllabus, BMC, tango and contemporary dance by renowned international teachers.

More info & tickets about The Northern Jam on Hipsy

General info on classes, workshops, jams & more

In Groningen, there are different ways to enjoy Contact Improvisation.

Wednesday classes by Otto

Otto teaches Contact Improvisation classes on Wednesdays. Lifts, weight sharing, being aware of your moving body and that of your partner, rolling point of contact, rolling on the floor and up in the air! The class is open for beginners to advanced dancers.
Price: 15 euro per class, cash or Tikkie before/after the class

See agenda below for dates & times
Sunday Contact Impro Jams by Otto

Come join us for a playful dance jam! Let’s explore movement in relation to others, the floor, and the space. Each session will start with a guided warm-up in which we tune in with the basic principles of CI; sharing weight, touch and body awareness. Every Body is welcome, no matter how much experience you have.
Price: 10 euro, cash or Tikkie before/after the jam

See agenda below for dates & times
The Northern Jam by Andrea & Barbara

The Northern Jam is a new initiative by Andrea Sangiacomo and Barbara van Male that aims to support, facilitate and spread CI in Groningen and the northern Netherlands. It takes place once a month, often the third Sunday, and usually consists of a workshop, potluck and jam session. The Northern Jam is open to complete beginners and movers from different disciplines. Diversity and minorities are encouraged.The Northern Jam is a new initiative by Andrea Sangiacomo and Barbara van Male that aims to support, facilitate and spread CI in Groningen and the northern Netherlands. It takes place once a month, often the third Sunday, and usually consists of a workshop, potluck and jam session. The Northern Jam is open to complete beginners and movers from different disciplines. Diversity and minorities are encouraged.

Go to Hipsy for tickets for The Northern Jam
Tuesday classes by Jorien

I am a passionate movement researcher with a background in physical therapy, yoga and dance. My journey into the world of Contact Improvisation started 6 years ago. Expressing myself through my body in this free form brings me in touch with a primal essence, where inuition takes the lead. There is something magical about it. CI awakens our ‘sentient being’. It asks for a continous presence and openness to the unknown. Like this, unforseen possibilities can arise and transformation (physically and/or mentally) can happen. It can be challenging, but also wonderfully flowing. I perceive CI as an art, a therapeutic tool, a social learning space, a political research area, and sometimes even as a spiritual practice. CI helps me get to know myself in relationality, and center myself in the world.

See her Hipsy for more info (dates/times/price/location etc)

Agenda for coming months

Ci organized by Otto

Courses/classes in 2025
* February 12, 19, 26 & March 5: Wednesday course by Otto (Travertijnstraat 12, 16.30-18.30).
-> Theme: Spine & the back. Single class 15 euro.

Sunday Jams in 2025
* February 9: Sunday Jam (Travertijnstraat 12, 15.30-17.30), 10 euro
* March 9: Sunday Jam (Travertijnstraat 12, 15.30-17.30), 10 euro

Ci organized by Andrea & Barbara

Click for more info about Andrea & Barbara’s events on Hipsy

* Fridays 18-21h: Get in Contact (Al Nour, check link to Hipsy for tickets ^ )

Workshops & Jams in 2025
* February 23: The Northern Jam (Al Nour, check link to Hipsy for tickets ^), workshop by Robin Berkelmans
* March 23: The Northern Jam (Al Nour, check link to Hipsy for tickets ^)
* April 13: The Northern Jam (Al Nour, check link to Hipsy for tickets ^)

* May 30 – June 1 2025: The Northern Jam: XL Edition

Ci classes by Jorien

Tickets for Tuesday classes by Jorien

* Tuesday 18 & 25 of February, 19.30-21.30 (Travertijnstraat 12)

Guidelines for the classes & jams

For us all it is very important to create a safe, free and open atmosphere, in which we feel safe and supported to be ourselves, to be playful and vulnerable.

In touch with yourself

Contact means: being in touch with yourself and your surroundings, in a playful, improvised and spontaneous way, whilst dancing/meeting each other being with ourselves.

 Own risk

Joining our sessions is always on your own risk! We are not responsible for any physical injury.


Everyone is responsible for their own boundaries. Meaning, we can’t feel what just feels right for you. Sometimes it feel right to sit for yourself and take a break, walk through the room or only dance with 1 person in that jam/class. Never fear to reject somebody if the situation does not feel right for you.

Body signals

Pay attention to your body signals. Often in daily life we don’t listen to them, this is an opportunity to create more awareness for our body.

Be careful with intimacy

In comparison to other dance forms contact improvisation is not meant to be as some couple interaction to raise mutual attraction or act it out, but as an intuitive form of non-verbal communication through movement. Please don’t follow some hidden agenda to find intimacy with your partners.

Free to step out

During the class/jam you are free to step out, sit on the side, walk out of the room, or do whatever feels good for you.

Limit talking

No regular communication during the session, body language and verbal exited gibberish sounds are okay.

No shoes, jewellery or perfume

No shoes are worn on the dance floor. Also take off jewellery that can hurt you or your partner. And please don’t wear (strong) perfume, you already smell good!

Address & Directions

Travertijnstraat 12, 9743 SZ, Groningen
Directions to the studio

1. When you leave the public road (Travertijnstraat), enter the terrain of the building Travertijn 12 (by car/bike/foot)
2. Immediately keep right (by car/bike/foot)
3. Follow the Dance Studio-signs on the right side
4. Go all around the building on the bumpy road until you can’t go any further
5. You see the contact impro-studio on your left on the corner of the building.

There is (free) parking space for 3 cars. If it’s full, you can also park on other (free) spots.

Click here for exact directions via Google Maps

Inspirational videos

If you want to see what Conctact improvisation is in movement, or are looking for some inspiration, you can watch these videos.

C.i. inspirational video


C.i. inspirational video 2


C.i. inspirational video 3


C.i. basic exercises


C.i. basic exercises


C.i. basic exercises



If you have questions about classes, jams, prices, or want to be on the mailing list for updates in your mailbox: fill in this form and I will get back to you 🙂

    Contact info

